Produk Bronze
Customized 99.99 Lobi Bronze murni piring sheet grosir rega
Plate tembaga minangka produk sing apik dening teknologi proses stainless steel. It has been widely used in recent years because of its advantages beyond the performance of stainless steel itself and its diverse product colors. The product has a highly corrosion-resistant copper layer, and the production process can maintain the original advantages of the stainless steel edge.
Iki minangka wesi sing paling awal digunakake dening manungsa lan duwe riwayat babagan udakara 4,000 taun. It is corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant, has good mechanical and process properties, can be welded and brazed well, and does not produce sparks during impact. Iki dipérang dadi tembaga timah sing wis diproses lan nyebar tinze.